ARPL Requirements

ARPL Requirements

The qualifying criteria categories are the following:

  • Application form
  • Certified copy of ID
  • Certified copy of highest qualification
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Minimum three (3) years relevant work experience within South Africa and N2 four subjects
    certificate or equivalent qualification including relevant trade theory, Or
  • Minimum three (3) years relevant work experience within South Africa and Relevant
    Engineering NC(V) NQF level 3, Or
  • Minimum three (3) years relevant work experience within South Africa and Technical Grade
    12 with Maths, Engineering Science and related theory subject, Or
  • Minimum Eighteen (18) months relevant work experience within South Africa, completed of
    all relevant work experience modules and Relevant Engineering NC(V) NQF level 4; Or
  • Minimum Eighteen (18) months relevant work experience within South Africa and relevant
    (Directly related to the trade theory subjects) N6 certificate or National Technical Diploma
    (S and N Stream)
  • Minimum four (4) years’ work experience within South Africa with Grade 9 (Standard 7)
  • Service letter (Letter from employer verifying experience); start and end date of service to
    be specified; tasks carried out should be specified and trade specific
    Only learners that meet the minimum criteria will be considered for ARPL.
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